people walking on bridge

When the journey is more important than the space

Once I gave the headphones a thorough once-over exam, I tried them on. As I…

Everyday inspired by the Beauty of the Mountains

Take your time.I’ve got a Fujifilm X100s. It runs about $1300. It’s easily the…

How to Appreciate the Little Things in Life and be Happy

Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an…

Capture the Beauty of Nature through Photography

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company.…

I Like Keep Things Simple to Appreciate the Details

Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an…

Thriving for Simplicity and Ease of Use Sharing Knowledge

Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an…

Meditation with Music for a Calmer and Healthier Mind

Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an…

My Free Time Habit and Why You Should Have One Too

Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an…

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.

Albert Einstein

I was good at academics, so decisions of my life had been pretty simple and…